This page was first created on February 18, 2006; last update: 7 March 2009.
More background on the Genographic
The Genographic Project, a landmark study for
your more distant ancestors
New DNA studies
show that all humans descend from an African ancestorwho
lived around 60,000 years ago. By analyzing your DNA you
can uncover the paths that led from him and her to
The ultimate family history as preserved in your
own genes |
Reverse timeline of the DNA analysis
March 7, 2009: more exact matches identified
Number of matches on display: 109
January 27, 2006: Quality control & Results
When the results are ready, Project Director Dr. Spencer
Wells will introduce you to your earliest human
relativesthe members of your specific haplogroup.
You'll receive a personalized genetic analysis, including
an online overview of your deep ancestral history. The
analysis reveals where and when your haplogroup
originated and how they lived.
You'll also receive a dynamic map, specific to your
lineage, on which to trace your relatives' journeys
across the planet.
January 19, 2006: DNA analysis finished
January 13, 2006: DNA Isolation confirmed
January 6, 2006: Arrival of the samples is
confirmed. Confirmation is found on the grenographic website
after logging in with the personal Genographic Project ID Number
December 27, 2005:
After reviewing the multimedia DVD and reading the manual,
the DNA swabs are used
The samples properly sealed in the test tubes
The exploration continues here in the Genographic Project
Web site where you can track your test kit, step by step,
through the various stages of DNA sequencing and
processing. Along the way, multimedia presentations
explain how scientists actually decode the information
found in the molecules of your DNA.Confidential
The use of the Confidential Genographic Project ID Number
(GPID) guarantees absolute anonimity |
December 16, 2005: the kit arrives by UPS
delivery (not allowed extra charges were refunded after
The kit includes the following elements:
Buccal swab kit
Multimedia DVD
Exclusive National Geographic Genographic Map
"Quick Start" card
Genographic Project Brochure
Self-addressed envelope
Confidential Genographic Project ID Number (GPID)
The purchase price also includes the cost of the testing and
Once you have purchased your own Genographic Project
Public Participation Kit, you can begin the
exploration into your deep ancestry.
The first step involves a painless cheek swab to acquire
a DNA sample.
Once you have completed the cheek swabbing process, you
will secure the swabs inside the transport tubes and mail
the tubes off to the lab using the supplied envelope.
It's that simple, and guaranteed anonymous. |
December 14, 2005: the shipment of the
participation kit is confirmed
December 4, 2005: the kit is ordered on the
genographic website using credit card payment. An e-mail confirms
the order
The Search for 30 to
60,000 Years of Ancestors

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